Pho / “fuh.”

Pho is a popular Vietnamese dish that has captured the appetites and tastebuds of people all over the world. It’s a traditional soup made with rice noodles, a thick broth, herbs, and thinly sliced meat, typically beef or chicken. The recipe for pho varies by area in Vietnam, but it always includes a sophisticated combination of spices and seasonings that give it a distinct and appetizing flavor.

The blend of textures and flavors that define pho makes it unique. The noodles are soft and chewy, the broth is savory and fragrant, and the meat is tasty and tender. The herbs and spices add depth to the meal, giving each bite an unique and intriguing experience.

If you want the greatest pho in Vietnam, you can find it almost anyplace. But, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are two of the most famous places to taste it, with countless street sellers and restaurants providing steamy bowls of this cherished soup. Pho Gia Truyen in Hanoi and Pho Hoa Pasteur in Ho Chi Minh City are two of the most popular pho restaurants. If you visit Vietnam, make time to try this renowned dish and experience the distinct flavors and textures that have made it so popular worldwide.

“People should first sample a bowl of Hanoi’s Pho bo before going on to discover the mystery of Vietnamese culinary. The soup with its extraordinary aroma alone is enough to chase winter from the soul.”

French Chef Didier Corlou